Assist-Life Stage, Transition

Assist-Life Stage, Transition

A transition between life stages is challenging for anyone. If you have a disability, it can be even more difficult. Macquarie Care Services assist to make in making it easier for you. There are many transition points are many in life: starting school, leaving school, getting a first job, retiring from work etc. Adjusting in these life stages is challenging for all. With a planned approach that considers individual’s ability, needs & goals helps in the stages of life.

A proper networking in planning helps us in supporting you in life transition and achieving your goals.

Why do you need assistance?

Like NDIS, transition is filled with new experiences in life. Some are enjoyable and happy while you might face some difficult situations to cope with, especially if you have a disability. An expert assistant provides strong support coordination to help you to strengthen your ability. Our specialized assistants are concerned with the transition of NDIS participants. We are committed to assist you and believe in offering the best possible service as long as you wish.

The following is an overview of the services and products offered by Macquarie Care. We have been servicing residents in Australia and are providing exceptional service that has established us as a leader in the market.

What are Macquarie's services?

Macquarie Care Services is motivated to make your life journey easy and good.  Our service includes coordinating your support to encourage participation within your community. Our variety of services includes:

  • We provide support, connection, and coordination of support.
  • We assist with tenancy and Accommodation obligations.
  • Our transitional life planning includes many facilities, from mentoring to skill development.
  • We assist with this session making, daily planning, and budgeting.
  • We provide a distance with individual development.
  • Our assistance will help you in decision-making also.
  • We are motivated to provide mentoring and peer support to the participants.
  • We assist with capacity building skills of the participant.
  • Our service works to resolve conflict and prices.
  • We provide financial material to the participants.
  • We help you to understand and plan your goal and life. 
  • We help you to find a link to another supportive community service and program.
  • We coordinate with the support and make them stay in touch with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We try to serve all through the day everyday as much as possible.

Yes, we provide full retirement support.

Let us help you care for your loved ones

Contact Us

1300 751 715