
Accommodation / Tenancy

Affordable and well-equipped accommodation is a dream for everyone. Macquarie provides sincere support & assist you in fulfilling your accommodation and tenancy requirement. Here, you can find a temporary comfort home for your loved ones. We also work to overcome barriers that are affecting your current tenancy. We support you in exploring and obtaining the perfect accommodation/ housing for you.

Which type of accommodation do we provide?

We provide assistance for NDIS service providers in offering short and medium term accommodation and assistance. We provide supported independent living and specialist disability accommodation.

Which type of accommodation do we provide?

Our accommodation and tenancy services include individual case planning, assessment, one-to-one assistance and capacity building assistance to support you in achieving your housing requirements.

Our services include:

  • Help in accomplishing housing goals.
  • We coordinate with real estate agents to identify barriers and maintain risk tenancies.
  • We recognize and implement strategies to keep your accommodation and tenancy.
  • We help you explore alternative housing options.
  • We assist you with private and lodging applications for other rentals.
  • We also assist you with a budget and other grants.
  • We work towards obtaining a sustainable accommodation that will give greater independence.
  • We assist you with a variety of services according to the accommodation.

For Supported Independent Living (SIL) 

  • Our services include assistance with personal care, household needs and medical needs.
  • We provide clinical support like medical administration or management in particular conditions.
  • We have skills and capacity builders with support workers who help clients in their SIL accommodation living.
  • Assistance with budget.
  • We assist you in developing your housing goals and related paperwork.
  • The client can find Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) under the SIL accommodation package but with certain additional costs.
  • These do not include daily living expenses like food and activities or capital costs associated with a person’s accommodation.

For Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

  • We assist in exploring suitable accommodations for you.
  • We will provide a small portion of funding that makes you eligible for high support needs.
  • We have SDA accommodation that is built homely to promote social and recreational spaces.
  • We provide 24/7 on-site support that is available when you need it.
  • We assist you with all the paperwork and legal documents that are required in the process.

For Short Term Accommodation (STA)

  • We provide a long-term respite in a particular facility or a group home. 
  • We have regular and ongoing respite.
  • Along with long-term respite, we offer emergency respite.
  • We have respite for carers too.

Frequently Asked Questions

When eligible SDA participants move to accommodation, they are enrolled as SDA. A provider can claim against participant NDIS funding.

SIL provides supervision on daily tasks to live independently while SDA provides accommodation for severe functional impairment that requires specialist housing alternatives.

Let us help you care for your loved ones

Contact Us

1300 751 715